

David Schoch




The goal of this session is to build your own website and publish it on github via github actions

Exercise 1: Setup the pipeline

Create a Quarto website project. If you want you can also create a blog project. Either via RStudio or from the shell

# website
quarto create-project mywebsite --type website
# blog
quarto create-project mybwebsite --type website:blog

If you call the repository “”, then your website will be available via Otherwise, it will be

In RStudio, make sure to initialize it as a Git repository. In the shell, navigate to your project folder and

Initialize a Git repository

git init

add everything

git add .


git commit -m "first commit" .

Create a new repository on GitHub. Do not initialize it with anything. GitHub will tell you how to associate a local git repository with it. Do it.

Exercise 2: Explore _quarto.yml

  • Move the navbar menu to a different location
  • add a link to your institutional website (or any other personal website, e.g. google scholar citations)
  • add a simple page footer (maybe a copyright note and/or links to your socials)
  • try to remove the search function

Exercise 2: Theming

  • Change the theme to a supported bootswatch theme

Exercise 3: Content

  • Add some content to index.qmd
  • try to integrate the cv you created in an earlier exercise into the page.

Exercise : Publish

Setup the GitHub action to publish automatically to Github. Make sure to follow all necessary steps.