
face2face.visualization.plot_histogram_null_model.plot_diff_scales(ax1, x_value, y_value, x2_value, y2_value, title)

Creates the subplots

Creates the subplots for every attribute combination and defines the parameters for their visualization

  • ax1 (axes) – Basic axes parameter for the figure without any layout information yet

  • x_value (list) – List with the amount of edges between the two attribute-values for every iteration of the null model functions.

  • y_value – Frequency of the occurrence of the amount of edges for every iteration

  • x2_value (float) – Average z-score for this attribute-value combination

  • y2_value (float) – Maximum value of y_value list for a better representation of the z-score

  • title (list) – Contains the two attribute-values that gets compared in this iteration


  • ax1 (axes) – Parameter for the visualization of the edge-frequency between the two attribute-values

  • ax2 (axes) – Parameter for the visualization of the z-score for the two attribute-values