
face2face.visualization.plot_probability_distribution.plot_triangle_duration(list_x_y, color_list, marker_list, label_list)

Plots the probability distribution of the triangle duration

Plots the values of the probability on the y-axis and the values of the triangle duration Delta T on the x-axis.

  • list_x_y (list) – Contains the output of the “calculate_triangle_duration”-function, which is a list of the y-values (probabilities) and the x-values (triangle durations). You can add multiple lists of the “calculate_triangle_duration”-function in the list_x_y to compare them in the graph.

  • color_list (list) – Should contain a color for every list in list_x_y to define the color of the markers for the visualization.

  • marker_list (list) – Should contain a marker for every list in list_x_y to define the shape of the data points.

  • label_list (list) – Should contain a string label for every list in list_x_y to create a comprehensible legend.


Return type




Cattuto C, Van den Broeck W, Barrat A, Colizza V, Pinton JF, et al. (2010) Dynamics of Person-to-Person Interactions from Distributed RFID Sensor Networks. PLOS ONE 5(7): e11596. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0011596