

Calculates the average degree

Calculates the average degree for every subgroup and for the whole group for every attribute.


df (Data) – Data Object that contains Tij- and Metadata for a data set.


attr_degree_list – A list that contains the average degree for every subgroup and for the whole group for every attribute.

Return type



The first string in a list, for example “Age”, tells you which attribute’s average degrees are in this list. The following first list entries for example 0.0, 1.0 or 2.0 are the different attribute values and the second entry in the list is the average degree for this attribute value. The ‘GlobalAvG’ list entry tells you the average degree for the whole attribute (for example “Age”).

>>> attr_list = ["ID", "Age", "Sex"]
>>> test_df = Data(path_tij="face2face/data/Test/tij_test.dat", separator_tij=" ",
>>>               path_meta="face2face/data/Test/meta_test.dat", separator_meta="       ",
>>>               meta_attr_list=attr_list)
>>> avg_degree_list = avg_degree_attr(test_df)
>>> print(avg_degree_list)
[['Age', [[0.0, 1.6666666666666667], [1.0, 2.5], [2.0, 2.0], ['GlobalAvG', 2.055555555555556]]],
 ['Sex', [['F', 1.8], ['M', 2.0], ['GlobalAvG', 1.9]]]]

See also

face2face.group_list_degree(), face2face.global_avg_var_std()