

Calculating global degree measures

Calculate the average, the variance and the standard deviation for the degrees of the whole data set.


attr_degree_list (list) – This list is the output of avg_degree_attribute.


measures – This list contains the average degree, the variance and the standard deviation for the degrees of the whole data set.

Return type



You can use the output of the avg_degree_attr() method as input for this function. The return of this function is the average degree, the variance of the degree and the standard deviation for the degree of all attributes.

>>> attr_degree_list = avg_degree_attr(test_df)
>>> print(attr_degree_list)
[['Age', 1.0, [1, 2, 2]], ['Age', 0.0, [3, 2]], ['Age', 2.0, [2, 2, 2]], ['Sex', 'F', [1, 2, 2, 2, 2]],
['Sex', 'M', [2, 2, 2]]]
>>> measures = global_avg_var_std(attr_degree_list)
>>> print(measures)
[1.9777777777777779, 0.006049382716049409, 0.07777777777777795]

See also

face2face.avg_degree_attr(), face2face.group_list_degree()