Open Research Computing (ORC)


Welcome to Open Research Computing (ORC) at GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences.

Screenshot of on 8th March, 2023.

You can use a computer running Windows, macOS, or GNU/Linux. At the time of writing, minikube IP address is not reachable directly when using the Docker driver on macOS, Windows, or Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and this creates some minor challenges.

Before you start, make sure that you have the following:

  1. Username at GESIS network.

  2. Account on GESIS’ GitLab instance

    1. Your public ssh key saved on your account on GESIS’ GitLab instance.
    2. Access to the ilcm organisation.
  3. Account on GitHub.

    1. Your public ssh key saved on your account on GitHub.
    2. Access to the gesiscss organisation.
  4. Git and git-crypt installed in your machine.

    See Chapter 30 for how to install git-crypt.

  5. KeePassXC and NextCloud Desktop client installed in your machine.

  6. minikube installed in your machine.

  7. helm installed in your machine.

  8. Ansible installed in your machine.