6  Deploy a BinderHub Locally


BinderHub documentation at https://binderhub.readthedocs.io.

mkdir binderhub
cd binderhub

Create the helm configuration file (config.yaml):

    use_registry: false

Make Helm aware of the JupyterHub Helm chart repository:

helm repo add jupyterhub https://jupyterhub.github.io/helm-chart/
"jupyterhub" has been added to your repositories
helm repo update
Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories...
...Successfully got an update from the "jupyterhub" chart repository
Update Complete. ⎈Happy Helming!⎈

Now, install the chart configured by config.yaml:


--version refers to the version of the Helm chart, not the version of BinderHub, available at https://jupyterhub.github.io/helm-chart/.

helm upgrade --cleanup-on-fail \
    --install my-local-binderhub jupyterhub/binderhub \
    --version=1.0.0-0.dev.git.3025.h276be90 \
    --namespace=binderhub \
    --create-namespace \
    --values config.yaml
Release "my-local-binderhub" does not exist. Installing it now.
NAME: my-local-binderhub
LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Mar  7 13:51:48 2023
NAMESPACE: binderhub
STATUS: deployed
1. Get the application URL by running these commands:
     NOTE: It may take a few minutes for the LoadBalancer IP to be available.
           You can watch the status of by running 'kubectl get svc -w my-local-binderhub-binderhub'
  export SERVICE_IP=$(kubectl get svc --namespace binderhub my-local-binderhub-binderhub -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
  echo http://$SERVICE_IP:

Check the pods:

kubectl --namespace=binderhub get pod
NAME                                     READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
binder-78c9d6678d-wzc9k                  0/1     ContainerCreating   0          14s
hub-fd755b86f-qj6qq                      0/1     ContainerCreating   0          14s
my-local-binderhub-image-cleaner-t9zc9   1/1     Running             0          15s
proxy-5dcd488d4d-bj7st                   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          14s
user-scheduler-84dfbd89c7-x45s7          0/1     ContainerCreating   0          14s
user-scheduler-84dfbd89c7-x9tt8          0/1     ContainerCreating   0          14s

and the services:

kubectl --namespace=binderhub get service
NAME           TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)        AGE
binder         LoadBalancer      80:30443/TCP   12h
hub            ClusterIP    <none>           8081/TCP       12h
proxy-api      ClusterIP     <none>           8001/TCP       12h
proxy-public   LoadBalancer   80:32040/TCP   12h

If the external IP is pending, verify that you are running minikube tunnel.


BinderHub Helm chart installs the JupyterHub Helm chart as a dependency.

Open BinderHub by pointing your web browser to binder’s external IP, in the example.

Screenshot of BinderHub’s homescreen.

6.1 Expanding Settings


We will use Docker Hub as container image registry here. Check Zero to BinderHub for other container image registries.

Create secret.yaml and include

  username: <docker-id>
  password: <password>

Change config.yaml to

    use_registry: true
    image_prefix: <docker-id>/<prefix>-
    hub_url: http://<IP-address>

hub_url should be the external IP address of JupyterHub assigned by the load balancer.

If you are using minikube on GNU/Linux, use the external IP address of the proxy-public service reported by

kubectl get services -n binderhub proxy-public
NAME           TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)        AGE
proxy-public   LoadBalancer   80:32040/TCP   12h

If you are using minikube on on macOS, Windows, or Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), use the cluster IP address of the proxy-public service reported by

kubectl get services -n binderhub proxy-public
NAME           TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)        AGE
proxy-public   LoadBalancer   <pending>     80:30435/TCP   35m

minikube IP address is not reachable directly when using the Docker driver on macOS, Windows, or Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). This will create some limitations when testing. A workaround is to use NodePort.

minikube service binder -n binderhub --url
minikube service proxy-public -n binderhub --url

Restart the cluster:

helm upgrade --cleanup-on-fail \
    --install my-local-binderhub jupyterhub/binderhub \
    --version=1.0.0-0.dev.git.3025.h276be90 \
    --namespace=binderhub \
    --create-namespace \
    --values secret.yaml \
    --values config.yaml

6.2 Testing


A collection of repositories is available at https://github.com/binder-examples. We recommend to start testing with https://github.com/binder-examples/requirements.

Fill the field GitHub repository name or URL with https://github.com/binder-examples/requirements and click in launch. Create the container and launch it can take a couple of minutes. Verify that BinderHub started creating the container with

kubectl logs -n binderhub -f binder-58567cb8ff-hcj8g
Loading /etc/binderhub/config/values.yaml
[BinderHub] WARNING | BinderHub.build_node_selector is deprecated, use KubernetesBuildExecutor.node_selector
[W 230313 11:38:11 app:680] Generating random build token secret. Set BinderHub.build_token_secret to avoid this warning.
[I 230313 11:38:11 app:1035] BinderHub starting on port 8585
[I 230313 11:38:38 log:135] 200 GET / (anonymous@ 14.62ms
[I 230313 11:38:39 log:135] 200 GET /_config (anonymous@ 0.35ms
[I 230313 11:39:16 registry:114] Loading docker config /root/.docker/config.json
[I 230313 11:39:17 launcher:197] Creating user binder-examples-requirements-7xfkok07 for image rgaiacsgesis/orc-binder-2dexamples-2drequirements-55ab5c:50533eb470ee6c24e872043d30b2fee463d6943f
[I 230313 11:39:17 launcher:257] Starting server for user binder-examples-requirements-7xfkok07 with image rgaiacsgesis/orc-binder-2dexamples-2drequirements-55ab5c:50533eb470ee6c24e872043d30b2fee463d6943f
[I 230313 11:40:00 builder:701] Launched https://github.com/binder-examples/requirements in 44s
[I 230313 11:40:00 log:135] 200 GET /build/gh/binder-examples/requirements/master (anonymous@ 54999.45ms

Once the container is launch, BinderHub will redirect the user to the running instance of the container using the valeu of hub_url.

Screenshot of JupyterLab’s homescreen after succesful redirect by BinderHub.

minikube IP address is not reachable directly when using the Docker driver on macOS, Windows, or Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). This will make the redirect fail. A workaround is to replace the cluster IP address in the web browser with the node port of JupyterHub retrieved before with minikube service proxy-public -n binderhub --url.

6.3 Clean up

Now you can clean up the resources.

First, stop all servers and shut down JupyterHub using the admin panel at

Screenshot of JupyterHub admin panel.

After stop all servers and shut down JupyterHub, you can uninstall JupyterHub.

helm uninstall my-local-binderhub --namespace binderhub
release "my-local-binderhub" uninstalled
minikube delete
* Deleting "minikube" in docker ...
* Deleting container "minikube" ...
* Removing /home/raniere/.minikube/machines/minikube ...
* Removed all traces of the "minikube" cluster.